Wednesday 30 January 2013


Wow, it's becoming so real now. I booked my flights back in October worrying about all the 'what ifs' - what if I don't have the money, what if I change my mind, what if the world ends on 12/12/12? Well, thankfully, it didn't end then and I'm almost ready to go. I still have essential yet forgettable jobs to sort about before I leave though, like scanning my passport and emailing to people that need it, as well as printing off some boring files. Just checked the weather in Rio, looks a bit hotter than here, I wonder if I can manage.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Nerves settling in

I have just over a week till I leave and the nerves are settling in. My renewed passport arrived today (phew!) and it's becoming clear that I really will need a week out of work in order to prepare for this nearly-6-month journey!
It's weird, where most people approach travelling with the words 'amazing' and how it will be 'life changing', currently I am placid, and my main aim is to be on that plane with everything I need, a basic level of Spanish and enough common sense to not be mugged instantly in Rio.

Well, I better stop wasting my time...